Volunteers Needed: Bright Stay Set Build

We are building this weekend and on Wednesday, 10/9 from 7-9:30 PM! We still have some more work to do on the larger structure, but we're in good shape thanks to the hard work of everyone who came on Sunday! There might also be a chance to do some painting, TBD, but that should be happening more going forward. Keep an eye out for more communication about that!

Future builds include the following:
Wednesdays 7-9:30 PM: 10/16, and 10/23
Saturdays 10 AM -4 PM: 10/19, 10/26.
Sundays 10 AM-2 PM: 10/13, 10/20, 10/27

We use the side door, so go up the ramp to find it. Inside, take a right and go up the stairs to the theatre, we'll be there!